Detective II LV

Blue Ribbon Mediation was Key to My Exoneration.

In June 2019 I had 30 years with the department and was assigned to a divisional homicide squad. I had just ended a lengthy murder trial with a successful conviction. Little did I know I would find myself having to prove my own innocence. I had no idea the adage of guilty until proven innocent would ring so true! I had always followed the law and played by the rules when it came to putting murder suspects in jail. I soon learned those same laws and rules would not be followed by LAPD leadership, entrusted to oversee my complaint.

Within a couple of days of being accused of serious misconduct I was removed from my Homicide position and replaced by a less tenured detective. I was relieved of my police officer powers, stripped of my identification, handgun and assigned home. I went from sheer elation on my successful murder conviction to complete and utter humiliation I went from being a well respected investigator to an LAPD Pariah. A few co workers knew of my innocence but were too scared to help me and become victims of retaliation themselves. Fortunately for me there was one coworker who I had helped when they arrived at my division under similar circumstances. This co-worker noticed my police officer rights were being trampled on by my commanding officer and connected me to Retired Lieutenant Mario Munoz, managing partner of Blue Ribbon Mediation.

Retired Lieutenant Mario Munoz met with me and we discussed the intricacies of my case. I told him I was innocent and felt I was being railroaded by my commanding officer. I had never been accused of serious misconduct during my career. After some verification of my information and a biopsy of my complaint he agreed to take on my case. I had a long road ahead of me and would soon become educated on the lack of moral standards within the department’s leadership. I knew LAPD leadership had an attitude of “ do as I say not as I do “ but I had never thought I would be subject to it, after all I was a decorated, hard working detective with no disciplinary issues. As I look back on my experience it is difficult to understand how LAPD leadership can expect officers to follow department policy when they themselves do not hold true to those same standards.

On August 13, 2020 I was found NOT GUILTY of the principle charge before a civilian board. It was one of the happiest days of my life! My attorney and Retired Lt. Munoz worked in collaboration to gain a successful outcome for me. Retired Lt. Munoz went beyond the call of duty to prove my innocence. I am certain if it were not for Retired Lt Munoz’ knowledge of department policy and his tenacious pursuit of justice, I would have been forced to retire dishonorably in lieu of being terminated. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the support given to me by Blue Ribbon Mediation. I am looking forward to returning to work and now have an opportunity to retire honorably and on my own terms.