
My name is A.H. and I work for a large Police Department in the Southern California region. I currently have approximately 17 years on the Job as a sworn peace officer. For 15 years of my career, I went to work with the highest respect, dedication, and love for my department one can have. Up until approximately 2 years ago, I naively believed my department could do no wrong and falsely believed my command staff always had the best interest in mind for our officers. Sadly, through an investigation that I was responsible for, I learned that some in my command staff use our Internal Affairs resources as a weapon against others within our department.

Unfortunately, one day I went to work and found myself abandoned by the very Department that I respected and loved so much. I did not understand why because I had done nothing wrong. I was only guilty of finding the facts and refusing to change the facts of my investigation to reflect what some in my command staff wanted; I was guilty of respecting the rule of law. From one day to the next I was abandoned, downgraded in rank, and sent to the worst detail that my department has to offer: transient detail. Fortunately, I found the Blue-Ribbon organization during the darkest moments of my career. Blue Ribbon was there to support and guide me through the hell storm that was to come my way during that time. Had it not been for Blue Ribbon, I would have been lost and potentially unjustifiably fired. Blue Ribbon helped me regain my focus and peace of mind. Most importantly, they equipped me with the knowledge necessary to legally defend myself. I will forever be thankful for their incredible support. Thank you, M.M.
