Mario Muñoz


Mario Muñoz (Retired Lieutenant)

Mario Muñoz is a retired Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) lieutenant with more than 33 years of law enforcement experience. As a police officer, sergeant and lieutenant in the LAPD, Mario conducted hundreds of mediations externally and internally to resolve conflict where mediation was proven to be an effective tool. 

Mario was a Co-Founder of Executive Workplace Investigations and Solutions. He served as an executive consultant in organizational development, mediation services and risk management issues. Mario provided subject matter expertise in executive investigations specializing in criminal, administrative and workplace investigations including sexual harassment, hostile work environment, retaliation and discrimination. Currently, Mario independently serves as an organizational consultant in conducting accountability assessments, policy review, policy implementation, workplace investigations and training. 

In 2017, Mario was the co-founder of Blue-Ribbon Retaliation Intervention Center, a non-profit organization to assist law enforcement, governmental, and private organization employees and managers mediate workplace, disciplinary and performance issues toward improving productivity and reducing liability for the organization.  Between1999 and 2014, Mario held a variety of leadership positions in the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in the management and analysis of current policies and procedures governing the organization including management training on issues of anti-discrimination, sexual harassment, racial bias and retaliation training.  Many of these activities included the review of thousands of disciplinary investigations, adjudications, and penalty recommendations

Externally, Mario used community intervention and mediation techniques as a powerful strategy in addressing juvenile delinquency. Often, Mario used these techniques to impart education and build parental accountability designed to steer teens away from crime. Through intervention and mediation, Mario focused on community-based solutions rather than incarceration. To that end, Mario memorialized his teachings by authoring a book in English and Spanish, Teen Without Direction. This book was strategically designed to educate parents in mediating conflict with their teens. Mario disseminated hundreds of copies free of charge to those attending his mediation and intervention parental workshops. 

In 2016, Mario joined the Dispute Resolution Program where he participated in dozens of community mediations and conciliations resolving a myriad of social, economic and relationship-based conflict issues. Based on his knowledge and work ethics, Mario was selected to mentor new DRP mediators. 

Mario holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and two Masters of Science degrees. One in Organizational Leadership and the latter in the Science of Law. Ultimately, it is Mario’s real-world experience with people of all colors, ethnicities, and religious backgrounds that enables him to fill the gaps between mediation theories and reality.