Lessons Learned Not So Well In The LAPD

LAPD DISCIPLINARY PRACTICES DISCRIMINATE AGAINST PROTECTED CLASSES Lessons Learned Not So Well In The LAPD, Audit Shows Written by Mario Muñoz In 2013, the Department’s Inspector General conducted the last employment litigation audit to review the LAPD’s responsibilities regarding employment litigation and to evaluate the Department’s compliance with applicable policies....

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

In light of the LAPD being mobilized, it is reasonable to assume that Chief Moore is prioritizing his needs within the Department. We would like to believe that imposing discipline should not be on top of his list. Especially, when he is demanding that the rank-and-file carry out their duties...


Assuming that your organization has made a commitment in building or maintaining a healthy work environment free of discrimination and retaliation, the application of Discipline will always be a hot topic for law enforcement around the country. One of the areas that is commonly overlooked is the importance of drafting...