
LAPD Officer

Testimonial of Retaliation by LAPD

Any type of review doesn’t do justice for what Mario has done to help me. After reporting criminal misconduct, I had no idea what I would have to endure from the Department. As things progressively became worse for me at work, I was referred to Mario by a friend. I was an emotional wreck and stressed and in denial that the Department was retaliating against me for doing the right thing. After meeting with Mario, I realized what was occurring and he told me about what to expect. He wasn’t wrong. Every step he told me the Department would take (meetings, comment cards, anonymous complaint, negative ratings) he was spot on all the way up to the administrative transfer. Although I was still in disbelief, I was prepared, and he helped me become stronger during the process and to do something

about it. I am not the only one out there who has paid a high price for doing the right thing. I know now I could never have gone through the years that followed reporting misconduct without the support I received from Blue Ribbon Retaliation and Intervention Center. I have called on him numerous times for assistance and was never asked for anything in return. I have recommended this foundation to others and know that he has come through for my friends as well, spending countless hours to help others. I will always feel grateful for everything he has done for not only me, but for my friends as well.