
Retired Detective III

Blue Ribbon is Reliable and Committed to clear obscurity!

In January 2015, I was removed from my duties pending a Department complaint of allegations of “Serious Misconduct.” Within a few months, I was relieved of duty without pay and my Peace Officers Rights were suspended. I had essentially lost my identity after a dedicated and meritorious service to the City for over 25 years. 

Without a job, income or healthcare for my family of 5, I was forced to work odd jobs, many times going from one job to the next, sometimes three jobs in a span of 24 hours. My wife, who was a stay at home mom took on a job, cleaning homes.

I was ordered to an administrative hearing, Board of Rights, accused of “serious misconduct,” which eventually I was cleared of doing. The first Board of Rights was held 1 1/2 years after being removed from my duties. This board was scheduled to last 3-5 days. Within the first 30 minutes of presentation by both sides, it was determined, no misconduct occurred, and I was exonerated of the serious allegations. Upon walking out of the board room, immediately outside the door, I was again relieved of duty and ordered to another Board of Rights for the same incidents I was cleared of doing on the first administrative hearing.

The second administrative hearing was held within 6 months, with a determination of a 30-day suspension for minor allegations of failing to review minor administrative reports that occurred during my ten-year assignment at Auto Theft Division. Later, I determined those allegations were out of statute, but the LAPD still imposed penalty knowing they have violated local statutes and my peace officers bill of rights. Due to my lack of knowledge of the disciplinary systems I never appealed this administrative penalty.

Three years after the original complaint, I was ordered to a third administrative hearing. I became weaker and my hopes were fading. No where to go, I went to retired Lieutenant Mario Munoz who was one of the managing partners for Blue Ribbon. After reviewing my case, it was discovered that the Department had based all their cases against me on flawed investigations, unsubstantiated rumors and based on administrative charges for which the statute of limitations had expired. Most importantly, it was discovered that management had retaliated against me and against other detectives who spoke on my behalf.

The internal knowledge of the Department Processes, and the tenacious evaluation by the Blue Ribbon managing partners was instrumental in changing the course of the investigation. Blue Ribbon drafted a very extensive review delineating a timeline of investigative and management corruption. This review was sent to the LAPD for appropriate action on my behalf. Three days before my 3rd administrative hearing, the Department agreed to dismiss over a half a dozen charges and settle the matter allowing me to retire with full honors, a privilege they had refused to grant me during the course of three administrative hearings.

It was evident to me, individuals pepper an investigation with their own personal biases and disregard protocol, sadly in some cases, destroying lives along the way. I’d like to thank the Blue Ribbon managing partners for standing up for the oppressed and for the willingness to take on a Giant Corrupt process of an organization that I dedicated my live serving.